Friday, 10 May 2013

Building a better Wales

I’ve always seen housing as more than just bricks and mortar. Quality homes are essential in ensuring that people are able to enjoy home life and play an active part in their local community. My short time as Minister for Housing and Regeneration has reaffirmed this in my mind.

Since taking on the new portfolio, I have seen first hand how Welsh Government investment through schemes such as Social Housing Grant and Houses into Homes are making a real difference to the people and communities of Wales. I am delighted that we have recently been able to commit further funding to support these vital projects.

I’ve also visited a number of housing and regeneration projects in places as diverse as Barry and Anglesey and have been impressed to see what can be achieved when the Welsh Government and key partners work together. In these difficult economic times, it is essential that we make the most of capital investment, not only to build much needed homes, but also to continue to support our construction industry and the economy.

I’m confident that housing can provide a catalyst for the Welsh economy. However, I am concerned about the current economic crisis and the negative impact of the UK Government's welfare reform agenda on people who can least afford it, as well as on housing organisations. What austerity and welfare reform don’t change is that everyone in Wales deserves a good quality, affordable and safe place to live. That should be what everyone involved with housing in Wales strives to achieve.

Carl Sargeant AM
Minister for Housing and Regeneration

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