Being discharged home from hospital can be an anxious and worrying time for some individuals. At times people are concerned that they may be unable to get around their home and care for themselves as they did previously, and individuals are often concerned about how they are going to meet the financial burden of not only maintaining their home but also for funding essential care services. The Care & Repair service has played an integral role in enabling occupational therapists to discharge people home from hospital efficiently and safely and in alleviating some of these concerns.
Care & Repair is a reliable and efficient service that, through the installation of small adaptations such as handrails and stair rails or through major building work such as adapted bathrooms, allows people to live in their own homes independently. The comprehensive service that Care & Repair provides enables smooth transition from hospital to home, reducing their length of stay in hospital and preventing readmissions.
Work is consistently completed to a high standard and in a timely manner by qualified technicians who understand the needs of the patient.
As well as providing practical assistance with repairs and adaptations, Care & Repair also provides advice and information regarding benefits, home safety and security.
Without the Care & Repair service, occupational therapists would be unable to address many of the concerns and needs of their client group.
Rachael Gdesis
Advanced Practitioner Occupational Therapist
Princess of Wales Hospital
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