Falls are not necessarily a natural consequence of ageing and many can be prevented through simple lifestyle changes.
A fall is often the trigger to make people look at their life and take the opportunity to improve their health and fitness and hopefully prevent themselves falling again.
In Bridgend, as part of a falls prevention project, a folder of information has been developed. The aim of the information is to enable people to get the help they need in the Bridgend County Borough Council area as well as good advice e.g. how to adapt their home environment, how to get up if they fall, strength and balance exercises for healthy ageing.
Here are some top tips on preventing slips, trips and falls:
- Remove or tape down loose rugs to avoid slips and trips
- Wipe up floor spills straight away
- Minimise bending/climbing
- If you must climb, use proper steps
- Get up from chairs/bed slowly
- Have a regular eye test/wear your spectacles and make sure they are clean
- Avoid trailing clothes which may trip you up
- Don’t wear sloppy slippers, buy a new pair that fit well
- Keep stairs free from clutter
- Keep stairways and halls well lit
- If prescribed medication is making you feel dizzy, keep taking it, but consult your GP
- Be aware of pets. Dogs and cats can cause trips and fall if they are around your feet
If you do have a fall:
- Don’t panic – you will probably feel a little shocked and shaken but try and stay calm
- If unhurt look for something to look onto
- Hold onto a firm object for support, place one foot flat on the floor with the knee bent in front of the body
- Lean forward putting weight on hands and foot until it is possible to place other foot beside the one on the floor and stand up slowly
- Sit down and rest for a short time
In Bridgend the Bridgelink Telecare service is a home and personal alarm service which, in the event of an emergency/fall, can automatically contact a 24hour control centre to call assistance. A mobile response team is also available to assist. This service has prevented many hospital admissions and ambulance call outs as the mobile response team, following an assessment, have equipment that enables them to pick a client up from the floor, if they have fallen, to a bed or chair. This service is administered, installed and maintained by Bridgend County Care and Repair.
Health, social care and voluntary agencies are now all actively involved in falls prevention campaigns across Bridgend County Borough Council, the aim being to develop a robust Integrated Falls Pathway for the people of Bridgend.
Anita Williams
Agency Occupational Therapist/Falls Coordinator
Bridgend County Care and Repair
Great stuff - fantastic to hear about public services working together. The theme of our shared learning seminars this year is people and prevention, so this is right down our street. We held a seminar on preventative approaches earlier in the year, which featured Paul Taylor from Bromford Housing, so that may be of interest. You can find further details on the Storify of the event - https://storify.com/GoodPracticeWAO/adopting-preventative-approaches-mabwysiadu-dullia. Keep up the good work!
ReplyDelete- Dyfrig