Friday, 24 April 2015

Launch of Care & Repair Cymru’s Equality and Diversity Handbook

Tai Pawb has been working with Care & Repair Cymru to develop a practical handbook and guide to help Care & Repair Agency staff respond to the diverse needs of older people in Wales. The guide was launched at the Care & Repair Chief Officers Network meeting on 22 April.

At times, it is easy for the diversity of older people to become hidden or not recognised with older people being viewed as one homogeneous group. There is a particular risk of this happening in areas which are falsely perceived as having no or limited diversity, such as rural areas. Viewing older people as one homogeneous group or through stereotyped lenses can lead to actions which undermine services' attempts to treat individuals with dignity and respect. However, recognising the diversity of older people can help organisations to develop more holistic approaches that are sensitive to the needs of all potential service users. Having a service that recognises and removes barriers is vitally important for people who may have faced discrimination in the past.

It is the small things that can often make a big difference. For example:
  • An isolated and grieving service user being able to open up to their case worker about the death of their same sex partner. 
  • A service user having their communication needs met when engaging with an agency, enabling them to feel informed, empowered and listened to. 
  • Using inclusive language so that people can relate to and not feel excluded from the service. 
  • A home maintenance officer treating someone’s home with respect, such as wearing shoe coverings or thinking about the implications of moving items within someone’s home.

The aim was to make the guide as practical as possible. That is why, alongside the main handbook, quick reference sheets have been developed for the different job functions within agencies. Each sheet has been tailored to reflect practical tips and information most relevant for the different roles and engagement with service users which staff members will have.

The main guide and quick reference sheets provide tips in relation to age, disability, gender, gender identity, race and ethnicity, religion and belief, sexual orientation and carers on areas such as:
  • Communication
  • Making appointments
  • Treating individuals with respect 
  • Visiting or carrying out work in a person’s home
  • Office visits
  • Raising awareness of services

It also highlights issues that have safeguarding implications in terms of situations where staff members come across cases of domestic abuse, hate crime and elder abuse. The main guide also notes what staff should do if they face discrimination or harassment.

It is recognised that the handbook only provides general guidance and staff are advised that they will need to respond to each person’s individual needs. Each situation and each service user is very different.

Although some of the information in the guide may seem like common sense, implementing these small actions can have a huge impact on the quality of service a person receives.

A copy of the guide can be found online here.

Mair Thomas
Equality and Diversity Officer
Tai Pawb / 029 2053 7635

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Don’t the next generation deserve a home to call their own?

It's my children's future and the future generations to come that I fear for. I don't think my children will be able to access good quality homes or be in a position to get on the property ladder. I’m looking to make changes to my home life to prepare myself for my children's future to be spent with me for some time.

At 17, I started my journey of becoming a social housing tenant and it allowed me to put down roots. Having that security has allowed me to experience positive life goals and made me the person I am today. The stability of housing and having my family close by opened up employment opportunities and I even attended university.

Being housed in social housing allowed me to build roots in my community. I was able to access good education and healthcare links for my children.

The generation after me wasn’t so lucky. Social housing in Wales started to fall and my sister has suffered with the lack of social housing. She has been waiting 9 years for social housing for her and her son. After being housed in 3 hostels and moving into private rented accommodation, her and her 8 year old have had to move 11 times. He has never felt part of a community - he settles in a school and then has to move. This has a knock on effect on his social skills and learning capacity. Once they start to build connections within their community, it's taken away again.

Don't my sister and nephew deserve the same experience I had a generation ago? One that enabled me to build my future in social housing in Wales?

That’s why I attended the Homes for Britain rally. Help us to end the housing crisis within a generation.

Adelle, Cadwyn HA tenant and board member