Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Don’t the next generation deserve a home to call their own?

It's my children's future and the future generations to come that I fear for. I don't think my children will be able to access good quality homes or be in a position to get on the property ladder. I’m looking to make changes to my home life to prepare myself for my children's future to be spent with me for some time.

At 17, I started my journey of becoming a social housing tenant and it allowed me to put down roots. Having that security has allowed me to experience positive life goals and made me the person I am today. The stability of housing and having my family close by opened up employment opportunities and I even attended university.

Being housed in social housing allowed me to build roots in my community. I was able to access good education and healthcare links for my children.

The generation after me wasn’t so lucky. Social housing in Wales started to fall and my sister has suffered with the lack of social housing. She has been waiting 9 years for social housing for her and her son. After being housed in 3 hostels and moving into private rented accommodation, her and her 8 year old have had to move 11 times. He has never felt part of a community - he settles in a school and then has to move. This has a knock on effect on his social skills and learning capacity. Once they start to build connections within their community, it's taken away again.

Don't my sister and nephew deserve the same experience I had a generation ago? One that enabled me to build my future in social housing in Wales?

That’s why I attended the Homes for Britain rally. Help us to end the housing crisis within a generation.

Adelle, Cadwyn HA tenant and board member

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